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Top Four Risks That Parents Should Be Mindful About When They Are Away From Their Children

Top Four Risks That Parents Should Be Mindful About When They Are Away From Their Children

When parents, especially moms, are away from their kids, they are always anxious about the safety of their child. Well, this paranoia comes from the ever-famed mother’s instincts. We always have a certain gut feel when something is about to happen, and more than half of the time, we are right. But aside from our inherent ability to feel imminent danger, we know how other people can be unlike us when it comes to caring for our young ones.

We do not mean to say that caregivers, teachers, and nannies are careless when it comes to handling our sons and daughters. But parents really have to be mindful of the child care facility where they are bringing their children. Though it is true that they get into trouble even with us around, their bad luck seems to double when we are not there to watch over them. So we need to find a quality child care provider where we can entrust the welfare of our little ones to, and which can keep them away from these top four risks.

1. The risk of injuries.
Children have the natural tendency to explore. Newborns roll, infants crawl, toddlers walk–these simple things when left unsupervised can lead to petty or major accidents causing injuries. Thus, when choosing a child care center, it is best that we take the time to check on the facilities to ensure that they are child-friendly and accident-proof. We also need to check on the number of staff who will be watching our babies and ensure that if possible, they will be given one-on-one supervision by expert caregivers.

2. The risk of getting sick.
Babies and toddler put anything inside their mouth. That is why they often get infected with bacterial diseases because of not being mindful of what they get themselves into. So the risk of less supervised children to get sick is really high. Homes and child care centers must always be kept clean and sanitized to provide first level of protection to children who often fall victim to germ-related sickness.

3. The risk of malnutrition.
Proper nutrition is essential to children’s and babies’ development. Thus, it is important for them to be fed with the right amount of and nutritious foods as they are growing up. The risk of malnutrition is high when parents are absent because there is nobody to supervise what they eat during the time they are in school or day care centers. So when choosing a child care center, it is important that parents make sure that such center provides the right food for their children and makes sure that they get to eat sufficiently during meal time.

4. The risk of getting the wrong influence.
Children are very good in imitating what they see or what they hear. Without the proper guidance of parents, they may learn or get influenced by the wrong shows, cartoons, games, or role models that they see around them. Thus, it is best for parents to ensure that their children are guided to the right direction by exposing them to the right surrounding and right examples.

Parents should be extra mindful of where they send their children to avoid the top risks we mentioned above. The child care centers that we choose for them can very well make or break them. So to avoid these risks and pitfalls, we better be vigilant, involved, and watchful of the condition and well-being of our children once we start sending them to these facilities.

Kids Learning Path is a child care center in Las Vegas Nevada which has been recognized for the last thirty years to provide safe and quality child care programs for young children as early as six weeks old. Our well trained staff are allocated based on state required child-staff ratio, making sure that your little ones will be well supervised while you are not around. Our facilities are proven child-friendly and safe for your kids to discover, explore, and play around. Our programs are also designed to fit children at their different developmental stages.

We encourage you to schedule a tour in our facility today so you can experience our child-friendly environment for yourself.

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